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Work Platform Hire

This article is all about un-powered work platform hire products.


For lots of useful information about powered products please refer to our article about powered access hire.

Choose Work Platform Hire For All Your Low-Level Jobs

For low-level work requirements, work platform hire is the perfect solution. Building work, construction and maintenance, plastering and painting applications are amongst the applications which call for work platform hire. By selecting the best combination of components it is possible to set up the ideal arrangement of temporary yet stable access surfaces for safe and comfortable working.

Hire All The Components Of A Work Platform

Start by selecting the trestles. A trestle is a support frame constructed from two A-framed joined together by horizontal components. Construction materials include wood, steel or aluminium. Wood is a heavy but durable material. For tasks where transport between multiple sites or a lot of repositioning is required it may be best to hire lightweight aluminium trestles. For heavy duty activities the first choice is likely to be a steel product. Steel trestles are made in inverted T forms with adjustable-height telescopic vertical components.

Platforms or large horizontal work areas are created by placing scaffold boards or purpose-made staging across the horizontal members of the trestles. There is plenty of flexibility so that the most convenient and comfortable work platform can be readily created. Work platform hire enables you to construct surfaces which match the work area shape perfectly, for example L-shaped arrangements. This is the ideal solution for interior or exterior plastering, painting and maintenance activities. With work platform hire you can specify all the trestles together with scaffold boards or staging that will be needed. By hiring sufficient quantities, it is easy to create long runs of boards for efficient, uninterrupted working.

Please note that these work platforms are designed for temporary use only. They are unsuitable for long term access.

Low-Level Work

These products are suitable for all low-level access needs. The range of products available for work platform hire provides a range of platform heights from under 1m up to 4m. When considering un-powered work platform hire, please bear in mind that around 1m to 2m reach will be available above the platform. By selecting taller trestles it is possible to take advantage of their multiple horizontal mounting points so that boards or staging can be placed at incremental heights as the work progresses.

Work Platform Safety

Work platforms based on trestles and boards are intended for low-level working. Even so, the safety of platform users and of those standing or working below is of paramount importance. Local regulations vary, but operators must comply fully with them. It is usual to mandate special working practices at heights of 2m or more. Double guard rails may be specified, along with toe boards in order to help prevent tools and materials from falling from the platform edge.

Hire outlets are happy to provide relevant safety guidance and should also give clear instructions for product assembly and use. Regulations may place limitations on factors such as minimum board width, working height, handrail use and so on. It is advisable to consult your local safety regulator for further guidance. Their website is usually a good starting point. In the USA, the authority concerned is the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA).

Work Platform Hire